Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Numbah Fif. Comedy for you yuks.

Oh how do I love comedy, mostly stand up comedy. I mean, even as we speak I'm listening to Bill Burrs Monday Morning podcast. I am SERIOUSLY in love with it. Sorry Jaxx. I cannot do without it. As I said before what brings us together more than anything? 


Anyway, I guess this post is really about the comedians that I enjoy listening to and why. Let's start off this list. 

1. Louis C.K. - He features the style of, 'fuck it, I don't care...' type of attitude that most people just don't get or have. They think of Louie as a lazy, gross type of comedian but truly I see him as one who speaks his mind and just don't care of the consequences. More people should speak their minds I wholeheartedly believe. 

2. Bill Burr - Now, Jaxx doesn't really like him much. He's like Louis CK in a lot of ways but doesn't have kids so his material differs there. He also doesn't go as far as to say that he doesn't give a shit about his subject matters, because of the depth he goes to explain himself and his actions in the jokes. You really get a sense of 'why' as he goes through his material. He is also a little more crude and bitter (in my opinion) but overall funny in my book.

3. Jim Gaffigan - This seems like an odd choice for my number three considering my first two choices in their likeness. However, I do like variety in my comedy. Jim brings his styling's of food related humor and is really pro at it. I honestly get a huge crack out of it and how he delivers his lines to the audience. He also has a way of keeping his face stoic and not really laughing so much at his own material which shows how seasoned he is at it. 

I'll edit this later and add more to my list, probably till my top 10, but for now I need to review and ACTUALLY think on this list.  

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