Saturday, November 2, 2013

The first obligatory post of my blog.

The first obligatory post of my blog. Sure, let's see how this works out. I don't have much of anything special to say or anything much to say for that matter so I guess I'll just ramble on. Why not? I guess some introductions are in order. I'm 21 and trying to make it, but life is hard. "Tough shit kid, deal with it." Don't worry sir/madam, I am. One day at a time. I live and love martial arts, thus the name you've seen for my blog ID. I've been studying taekwondo, Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, kickboxing for the past 3 years now. I hold a black belt in TKD and a blue belt in BJJ.
After BJJ practice
Already this feels awkward because I'm better at rambling if I'm in person versus typing on the computer because it feels like a report. It's something I guess I'll get use to but today, sorry folks but you're not getting anything uplifting or inspiring because my brain isn't working fully right now. I'm sure you could be doing something productive instead of reading this... Like adopting a cat, or dusting, or finding your missing socks so you can finally match them up. Anyway, where was I... I live and breathe martial arts and I teach as well. I love to teach and pass on knowledge because it's the only real impact you can have on this world I firmly believe without having to go to extreme lengths to make yourself known. 

I'll keep this post short, I already have ONE person wanting to read it and hopefully I'll get more comfortable doing this as well as growing an audience to look at my goofy pics as well as read my random stuff. 


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