Sunday, March 30, 2014

MEGACON '14!!!

My inner nerd is totally geeking out! This was our first year that we got to go to Megacon. Jaxx, myself, and another unnamed friend decided to go upon a whim. And I have to say it was the best winging it idea 

Tons of cosplay, lots of merchandise, and did I mention that KARL URBAN (Dredd, Star Trek, Chronicles of Riddick, Red, LORD OF THE FREAKING RINGS!!!) was there too! 

Interesting story about that. We were sitting and eating lunch when our unnamed friend looks up and proclaims, "Is that Karl Urban!?". We turn and look to see Karl Urban with a bunch of other celebrities just strolling along not 25ft away from where we're eating lunch. Just a smile and a wave as he passed by. I couldn't move, couldn't speak, couldn't even think. I was truly star struck. I mean, he's freakin DREDD! He is, THE LAW!

Anyway, I'm jumping ahead in my story BUT I JUST HAD TO SHARE WITH YOU GUYS... I know, still geeking out! 

No, our story starts out with me picking up Jaxx and us heading over to our unnamed friends house. I think we should give him a name though, it seems a little rude doesn't it? Let's just call him... Moneybags. Anyway, Ol' Moneybags ups and decides that we should go to Megacon a week before it happened(which Jaxx nor myself could afford at that time). He said for us not to worry and that he'd cover us fully. I feel totally indebted to him after going to this wonderful event. We arrive at his place and carpool to get there. When we arrive however, there is a HUGE line to park and from what we could see driving to get into the line to park, there was a LONG line to enter in the building itself. Jaxx was particularly worried that we wouldn't be able to enter in because she had seen before on the website that there were a limited number of tickets to enter on that Saturday. Anyway, we find our parking spot and start heading towards the back of the line which wasn't too far from where we parked at. The line was moving too at a good pace and we were early enough to have a good spot. While waiting, we met a couple in line cosplaying from Resident Evil, and I have to say they we're pretty awesome. 

Around 10 O'Clock the doors opened and the convention began. Jaxx was nervous and wanted to post that we were at Megacon but wouldn't until we actually had the tickets in hand. We got closer and closer, seeing all sorts of wickedly cool cosplay! From animes, to cartoons, gaming characters... You name it, we most likely saw it. Our ADHD was way out of control. We wanted pictures with everyone, and people were happy to oblige us! If you ever go to a con, don't expect fat smelly dorky looking nerds who are so full of themselves or in their own little world. These 'nerdy' people make you feel welcome and right at home, especially if you're new to the whole con thing. They're happy to share stories, laughter, and especially general excitement towards all that's going on. Even veterans to the cons are extremely inviting and just as enthusiastic as the newbies. 
Anyway, to cut the story short we got in (of course) with PLENTY of tickets to spare. I think it was just a gimmick to get more people down here earlier and buy more tickets. But who am I to judge marketing tactics. Lookin' at you Blizzard. 

First thing we did was check out all the merch they had, which there is TONS. A note to anyone wanting to go next year or to any con, have mula in hand or at the ready. Lots of cool stuff, but a little pricey. Worth it though. After checking out some merch, scoring a FREE SUPERMAN BUTTON (Freakin' sweet swag!), and getting some more pictures in with awesome cosplayers we decided to go eat. This is where the story of Karl Urban comes into play. After that escapade, we ventured forth! I got to see celebrities like Phil Lamar, Jim Cummings, Jon Heder, Matt Senreich (co-creator of Robot Chicken so you don't have to google it), Peter Mayhew (Mother F'n CHEWBACA!), ROB PAULSON (Animaniacs!), Steven Yuen (Funny story about him later in my story), Wil Wheaton, Vic Mignogna, Danai Gurira & David Morrissey (Walking Dead fans will know), and many more. I even heard of Stan Lee making an appearance this time but in a different part of the con. Somewhere, hidden away if you venture far enough an a perilous journey... You can find The Stan Lee. 

Anyway, more to come in Part 2 of my Megecon adventure, stay tuned! 


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