Monday, February 10, 2014

Nerd Power!

It may come as no surprise to some of you that I am in fact a huge nerd. I love F&SF beyond measure and I have spent many of daydreams in these wonderlands while working, training, or doing other misc. things. I still go around when I find a pole and pretend it's a lightsaber or a magical staff to conjure creatures or cast spells. I LOVE video games even though I don't play them as much. Watching a let's play is something you can find me doing often, especially when it's a game I can't afford or don't have the system to play it with (I will get a 3DS! I miss you Pokemon). In fact, I use to play MMO's all the time. You probably already guessed it from what I just said too, I was a World of Warcraft nerd and proud of it too! For the Horde! Eat your heart out, Alliance. 

But alas, as I grew older and took on more responsibilities, my nerdish ways began to wane. It wasn't a bad thing, I was trying new and different things and being pushed out of my comfort zone. I found many new traits about myself that I absolutely love! I go workout, still do my martial arts, I work full time and are currently aiming to join the Air Force. However, I do miss a lot of these things. No Jaxx, not World of Warcraft. Rest assured. 

Recently, a buddy of mine, let's call him g-off, acquired a DND type of game. Role playing simplified. It is called, "Star Wars: Age of the Empire." Some of you might be familiar with it, if so, you're a nerd. I wasn't interested at first until I started reading it over. My imagination was sparked and I started thinking of all these different scenarios in my head of epic battles, different worlds and exploration. I wasn't fully settled until I found out I could be one of my favorite classes (doctor) in the game and have a story tied in with my favorite SW clans of history, the Mandalorians. Ugh! I was roped in! It was an offer too good to refuse. 

I wrote a kick ass back story for my character, "Aden Colten". The name rings of badassery even though he's a doctor. Sold into slavery on Nar Shadda after his father ended up on the wrong end of a blaster to a couple of Mandalorian mercenaries, he honed his skills in the medical field to quickly patch up and heal those who the mercs had roughed up a little too much. Though he despised fighting, he was trained in basic melee weaponry and light range pistols from a young age. He holds an unknown linage with a mysterious ancient relic he hid on his home planet of Dantooine left to him by his mother who died while giving birth. Now in the services of Borga's the Hutt, what adventures will await Aden and his comrades?  

Jealous? Thought so. But to think I could keep this hidden from Jaxx was another thing. You think I could force persuade her to forget? Her mind is far from weak, and I enjoy being on her 'light side' if you will. So I eventually told her of my involvement and much guffawing ensued from her. I still think she gets a chuckle if I mention it. I swear, anything nerdy I mention to her that I do I become her personal stand up comedian. 
But hey, I have some positives from it. She gets a good laugh, I still get to be all out nerdy AND she finds me to be sexy as well. Incredible! I know! 

You nerds are awesomeIf you read this and you can relate, I am really glad you can. If you don't feel you can because you feel like you're too much of an outcast or not even close to being nerdy enough, I dare you to try it. What's the worst that could happen, you have fun? For the outcast, you guys are awesome. Forget the haters honestly. For the non-seasoned newbie nerds, you guys are our mentors in a sense. The Master and the Padawan (yeah, I said it). 

So whether you're into card games like Magic the Gathering, video gamer on consoles or PC's, a role player, larper, comic book fancier, TV, movies, etc. Keep on doing what you do if it makes you happy. And remember, nerd is the new sexy.

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